Dog Care Tips
You love dogs and have introduced one to your family. But bringing a new dog home is a big responsibility, requiring both care and commitment to the health & well-being of your new family member. If course, you want to do everything to ensure your pet’s well-being.
Here are a few dog care tips to make the transition smooth & easy:
A little research on different dog breeds and personality traits will help while looking to introduce one to your family. For homes with toddlers and small kids, a pup that is more relaxed and has even disposition would be the right choice. For owners living in small apartments, large dogs could not be the perfect option, as they need more room to run.
The bond you enjoy with your pooch is a special one. It is important to spend good time with your new family member through a dedicated exercise session. It will bring both of you closer, strengthen the bond, and keep your pooch healthy and active.
Pet grooming and care is critical to its health & well-being. Keep a check on aggressive parasites, such as fleas and ticks, which might attack your pet.
Your playful pooch needs a good, healthy diet. A vet can help you understand the best foods, vitamins for your pet. They will also help you through flea & tick prevention and heart worm prevention and determine if your dog has any other special needs.
It is important to have your pooch checked for any worms and ensure that its shots are up to date.

Bringing Puppy Home
The bond with your pet is everlasting. When you decide to bring home a new pet, you must make sure the trip is as stress-free as possible. You may want to use a pet carrier to make the journey back home safe, secure, and comfortable.
These tips will be useful to help your puppy adjust to his new abode:
When house-breaking your new pet, a few accidents along the way are natural. Be patient and do not forget to hurl a few words of praise for your new puppy when it does as directed.
A vet can guide you through your pooch’s vaccination schedule. Growing up puppies need more shots, while booster shots are enough for grown-ups.
Make its new abode a place of haven for your new puppy. Any harmful or choking hazards must be placed out of its reach. Of course, you do not want your pet to break your vintage flowerpot, so keep it where your pooch cannot reach.
- Chew toys come in handy when your puppy cuts teeth, soothing its itchy, aching gums.
- Draw up a schedule for your pet. It will learn through repetition.
Should You Adopt a Puppy or an Adult or Senior Dog?
Since adult and senior dogs are already following a schedule, placing them in a new environment and routine may make life stressful for them. In the process, they may have a few “accidents.” As a pet lover, you would want to make transition smooth for your new dog through love, care, and encouragement. The new environment may seem challenging for your new four-legged friend, so allow it time for adjustment and adaptation. Little patience and care can go a long way in helping make the environment comforting for your new dog.

Pet Health

Feeding Your Dog
Commercial dog foods are designed for different life stages of dogs. This means you can look for puppy food or adult food if you have a pup and adult dog at home. For an elderly pet, there is senior food. Each type of food contains different levels of vitamins and nutrients to cater to the requirements of that life stage. Pet food with vitamins and minerals can support their growth and development.
Do Dogs Need Vitamin Supplements?
Your dog does not need a vitamin supplement if he gets appropriate commercial diet unless recommended by his veterinarian. However, a dog on a homemade diet may need vitamin and mineral supplementation along with their meals.
It would be a mistake to give your pet human vitamins. You should avoid giving them any over-the-counter vitamins or supplements meant for dogs without a vet’s prescription. You should not make the mistake of getting prescribed vitamins for your pup from your local human drugstore.

Dog Treats and Chews
Dog Grooming
The overwhelming number of grooming tools and aides can leave you spoilt for choice.
Some of the questions that are bound to strike your mind may include: What brush brand should I buy? Which shampoo brand is the best?
Of course, you do not want to use the wrong tools on your little friend, since it could be as ineffective as no grooming at all. Please check out Dog Grooming Basics here.

Housebreaking Your Puppy
Explore our Dog Crates and Kennels section to get your hands on a quality dog crate and housebreaking training essentials. Follow the same schedule every day and take your pooch outside at regular intervals.
Traveling With Your Dog
Pooch Canada deals in all kinds of pet care products, including travel crates, bags and pet carriers, to keep your dog comfortable and secure while traveling. Our travel bags can easily accommodate small pets so you can have a stress-free travel.

Dental Care for Dog
Ear Care For Dog

Play Time For Dog
Proper tools are a necessity to ensure that the play time is safe and productive. You will find a variety of dog ropes, interactive do toys, and balls to engage your pooch for hours together.
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